You Are a Gift in Hard Times

I sit across from her in a mostly empty restaurant. We’ve been friends for a while, and I know her story. I know of the pain and upheaval of her childhood and early adult life. I know of the hard places she’s endured in raising her boys, and in keeping her marriage alive. I am […]

When You Want to Know What God is Gonna Do

“He went out, not knowing where he was going.” – Hebrews 11:8 ESV Some people seem to have this new year’s gig figured out. Their January days appear to ebb and flow in steady, productive rhythms. Plans move forward, dreams bud and bloom, and stuff just plain happens. And then there’s the rest of us […]

When You’re Rushed…Don’t!

“Saul waited seven days but Samuel did not come.” 1 Samuel 13:8 It seems like decision-making has befallen my household. Not the little decisions that make up day-to-day stuff, but the big ones. Things to do with say… jobs, and homes, and moving, and money, and uhhhh…the list seems too big! It seems to be […]

When The Mountain Won’t Move

“But even if he does not…” Daniel 3:18 Oh I like day hikes! They bring peace and pleasure to my weary soul—something about trekking around in God’s creation. However, it’s been a tough year for me in the whole walking realm. An injury, a surgery and the recovery kept me down and indoors. But I’ve […]

You Have It In You!

I have to be honest with you…I had a very, very difficult time with emotions a week ago. I think a lot of us did. The tragic events that played out on live television cut to my core. The loss of our valiant protectors, the lawlessness, the vitriol comments on Social Media, the endless commentaries that […]

Sometimes It’s Not About Soaring With Eagles

“He reached down from on high and took hold of me.” Psalm 18:16 Chaos in our lives can bring such turbulence, can’t it? We move day to day in relatively calm surroundings and then something can come out of nowhere and disrupt it all. A decision by a spouse, a financial hit, a wayward child, […]

Front Sight Confidence

“I have set the Lord always before me.”  Psalm 16:8  ESV I had a new perspective on something the other day and I so want to share with you all. It was one of those whoa things that’s given me a new perspesctive.  For some this post may be a bit odd, but maybe by […]

Hope When Things Seem Lifeless

“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty. – Zechariah 4:6 NIV A few months ago, I received a desert rose plant as a gift. I loved its lush, green leaves and heavy flower buds just waiting to reveal the blooms hidden within. With no idea how to take care […]