
“He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.” Daniel 2:21  NLT

My quasi O.C.D. (obsessive compulsive disorder) kicked in the other day.  I’m hoping someone will give me comfort and tell me they do the same thing.  Does anyone else make an effort to create straight and common lines in their rug when they vacuum?  Not necessarily in every room, but maybe that area rug that shows the direction you moved your cleaner?  One track-mark leads to another and another, and the next thing you know your carpet looks like the infield of a major-league baseball park on opening day.  Going in a different direction, once you start, will mess everything up.  The lines need to stay common.  Anyone?  Anyone?


Of course, it made me think…of things other than carpets.

Recently I told a dear friend, seems like I’ve always gravitated towards men who color outside the lines of life.

The bad boys, the rebels, the ones who push the limits.

The ones who will never create patterns on their rugs.

The ones who break hearts, when they can’t stick around.

I don’t know what it is or what it was…but looking over my past and present I can see a pattern.  Add a fast car, a loud motorcycle, willingness to challenge the status quo—and I was reeled in.  Hook, line and sinker.  And tears usually followed!


Was it any wonder that I gave my heart over to the master of all rebels?

In a parking lot on an autumn day in the mid 90’s, I said yes to hooking in to the greatest rebel of them all.

Oh, I know some of you have an image of a meek and mild and quiet man, but the Jesus of the Bible is far from that. He went against every single rule, regulation, and boundary!  There wasn’t a Pharisee in the region that didn’t get a tongue-lashing from the Son of Man (often slyly I might add), or a sinner who felt conviction when they heard his voice.

Jesus—a law abiding, boundary seeking, don’t-make-waves kind of guy?  Not hardly!

My question to you is this, “What is your image of Jesus Christ of Nazareth?”

A pushover?  A wimp?  A harvey-milk-toast kind of guy?

Are you like I was and this image holds you back from saying “yes” when he asks you to follow him?

If so, have you seen this side?

You’re hopeless, you religion scholars! You took the key of knowledge, but instead of unlocking doors, you locked them. You won’t go in yourself, and won’t let anyone else in either.” As soon as Jesus left the table, the religion scholars and Pharisees went into a rage. They went over and over everything he said, plotting how they could trap him in something from his own mouth.  Luke 11:52-53  The Message

He (Jesus) went into the house of God (during the days when Abiathar was high priest) and broke the law by eating the sacred loaves of bread that only the priests are allowed to eat. He also gave some to his companions.Then Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.”  Mark 2:26-27 NLT

I looked up and saw a white horse standing there. Its rider carried a bow, and a crown was placed on his head. He rode out to win many battles and gain the victory. Revelation 6:2 NIV

Three verses amongst hundreds that give us an image of our Savior that is far from a pushover. A man who held his own. A man who made waves.


I certainly don’t know if you have been like me and had a soft spot for the rebels in your life; if so, you know my pain, if not, consider yourself lucky. But I can tell you this; there is one Rebel who won’t bring you tears!  There is one Rebel who had a cause.  And there is one Rebel who will never leave you!  Will you say yes?


Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 NIV


14 Replies

  1. Lori Perez

    I have vaccumed to much to worry about the lines. The grandkids walk on them anyways.
    I have recently thought of our Lord like someone who can change His ways with the situation. If it is a very calm person needing help I believe that is the Man who is there for them. If it is someone who us ruff and tuff but needs Him He changes into a Man that can understand that person.
    Not sure if I explained myself very well but I sure do know what I meant. Sorry if this comment is weird.

    1. Lori,I get the gist of what you are saying–weird or not–lol! Our Jesus is a Savior for all–no matter our personality. Thank you for stopping by and sharing. 😉

  2. Chrisie

    I have a few things to say. Of course I vacuum the carpet over and over so the lines are straight. I also vacuum the corners twice in both directions!

    Thanks God we experienced the bad boys because we ended up with the gems!

    I love your writings because they always hit home. Keep up the great work my friend!

    1. Thank you!!!! I didn’t even begin to mention the corners, but now that you bring it up…. Yes, I do the same! Yea, I’m not alone!!

      For two girls that were in the trenches for a long time, yes, we sure did end up with the gems…in more ways than one!

      Thank you for stopping by and sharing. Glad to hear from you.

  3. Jim

    Renae, my beautiful sister in Christ,

    I remember that beautiful autumn day. I praise God for you. You’re right when you say that our God is a “Rebel.” He touches the hearts of some pretty rough characters and shows them His incredible future that He has for them. Not only an incredible future, but this present journey can be a truly thrilled-filled life. Wow! As Chrissy said, “Hang on for an “E” ticket ride!”

    Love your writings girl. I thank the Lord for your beautiful spirit.

    1. Jim!!! I hope EVERY one of our readers sees this comment. Why? Because YOU listened to the Holy Spirit and saved my “life.” Hey everyone, this is Jim, a mighty mighty man in Christ’s army! Thank you Jim for all you shared while we were together and the ultimate place of surrender that you stepped me through in that parking lot. A crazy life was changed in a moment. My Words can’t express the gratitude, but Jesus will do the talking later on. 🙂 Get ready for your crown of gold! Thank you Jim for reading and sharing!

  4. Chrissy

    I will follow this “bad” boy anywhere. Whether He takes me in the rapture or death, I won’t be afraid. He has assured me of His love for me and I jumped at the chance to be loved by him. I am SO glad that I wasn’t afraid to “die” to sin but “live” in Him! Hang on for an “E” ticket ride!

    1. Chrissy…I’m with you! I cling to my powerful, mighty Man while I’m on this ride. He promises life, and that is what will be given! Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Shirl


  6. *Diane

    How many times did the Lord speak to me about rigidity in my faith. God showed me with every upset, He was giving me opportunity to take a turn in His direction for a divine appointment. I fuss over the what seems to me to be UN-disciplined measures in my day. . yet. . .I see my fierce and mighty King on the throne directing me to advance for His purpose, not mine. Obedience can be overwhelming, but the peace in my soul will count for something one day. I still like the clean lines in your carpet!

    1. Thank you for agreeing with the clean lines!! I need to know others feel the same, lol! Yes, Diane, we see our un-disciplined lives sometimes and correlate that with being disobedient…but are we? Great points you make. Thank you for chatting!

  7. Lori West

    Love it! Jesus is a warrior and fights like no other man. It is sad when people only see him as love or kindness. He has so many additional attributes to worship!

    1. Lori, you said it best! I obviously agree, Jesus is much more than most make Him out to be. When we have an image of only a soft-spoken, flower picking man, it’s hard to view him as our deliverer. He IS A warrior and a man who fights for us. Thank you for sharing!

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