



photo: Renae Bowman

“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses.  Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make.  Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” Deuteronomy 30:19  NIV (emphasis, mine)


Oh Lord, come close to all of us and keep us in Your hands.  Put upon our heart to choose Life.  Put upon our heart to choose the road that leads to eternal glory with You, not death that will come at the end of this earthly existence.   We have options daily to set the course, let it be aligned with You and Your commandments.  Help us to see that our circumstances will always give us choices on which way to turn; instill in us the desire to turn the right way. And never, ever, ever…let us forget that our decisions today have great impact on our descendants tomorrow.  

6 Replies

  1. Lori perez

    Thank you for that wonderful prayer. It took me for a loop though to see such a small amount of words from you this time. those words though are strong ones and I being a grandparent I pray all the time that my grandchildren will make the right choices also. I know that with their parents help and the Lord being by their side they do have a great chance of making the right choices.

    1. yes, praying for our descendants is a valuable and needed thing. The verse though reminded me that MY decisions have a profound impact on generations to come. Although prayer is needed for them, our actions and choices now have a huge impact for their future. Wow. Thanks for stopping by Lori.

  2. Vye

    OH YES. lord come close to us that we may live, love and be filled with everlasting , joy. Help us make all the right choices, so that our children and grandchildren and even great grand children will see your light in us. Amen

    1. As only a Great Grandma can say…. Thank you.
      Amen to that!

  3. Elaine

    Thank you for this graphic illustration and Scripture that brings me back to the sermon on Sunday focusing on legacy. Having the privilege of being a grandmother, the words “so that your descendants might live” has always had impact, but even moreso as our two oldest are now in high school and becoming young adults. Thanks to texting, I have ready communication with them. 🙂 Thank you, Jesus!

    1. Our legacy is an important part of our own lives and I too was taken aback by the sermon. This scripture verse popped up at me and I couldn’t resist. I am glad you are enjoying grandparent connections. Can’t wait for those days! Thank you for stopping by Elaine. Blessings to you.

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