The One Thing I Forgot
I thank my God always for you – 1 Thessalonians 1:2 NIV
You know, I wish I only forgot one thing. But the truth is, I’ve got too many commitments, distractions, and interruptions in my life that forgetting is simply my reality.
But that’s no excuse. I don’t like to forget things, and once I realized I did forget this one significant thing, I stopped what I was doing and knew I had to make it right.
I’m sorry friend, what I forgot relates to you.
Now, I didn’t forget ABOUT you. I actually remember you quite often. I think of your laughter, your strength, and your passion and it brings a smile to my face. I’m reminded of how you live your life with wit and grace, and I’m a better person for it. I also keep in mind your hurts, struggles, and fears, and my heart breaks knowing there’s pain in your life.
I delight when we see each other, and look forward to the time we’ll meet again.
It’s just that life gets so busy. I can’t tend to it all, so the proverbial ball gets dropped and it rolls out of sight. The days go by and the landscape of life grows out of control. I haven’t had time to tend and trim, and sometimes the important stuff gets covered over.
Just like in my real garden, where I found you. No, you didn’t come for a visit (though you are most welcomed!), but there, underneath the vines was a reminder of you. And as I cut away the branches and saw my long lost treasure, it hit me.
I have not THANKED God for you lately.
I have not praised the One who brought you into my life, or exalted Him that created you.
So here I go, and I hope it touches you as you have touched me:
God, thank you for the gift of friendship, and for the dear friends you have placed in my life.
I praise you for the safety I find in the wise counselors you have circled around me (Proverbs 11:14).
Thank you for the comfort and strength I’ve gained from those you have sent to lead me closer to You.
Thank you for their presence, persistence, and patience as I walk a sometimes crooked road.
Teach me Lord, to be a friend worth having; loving them as myself (1 Samuel 18:1-3).
I glorify your Greatness in having called me friend (John 15:15),
and for being the perfect example of what a friend is.
Give me courage to love them beyond reckoning; giving my life if necessary (John 15:13).
I thank you, my God, always for my friends – lifting them to you in my prayers (Ephesians 1:16).
Feel free to share this with a friend as a reminder of their value in your life. And please let me know your thoughts by commenting below, or by sending me an email. I read every one! God Bless!