The Art of Standing on Your Mountaintop
“When things were going great I crowed, “I’ve got it made … He made me king of the mountain.”’ – Psalm 30:6 (MSG)

photo credit: __MaRiNa__ via photopin cc
How are you?
It’s a question my old psychology professor said one should ask with caution, but I’m curious.
How are you?
I’d guess some of you would answer “fine”, but on the inside you’re falling apart. Maybe there’s illness or strife in your life, and it seems as if peace and joy have long been lost. You’re tired, confused, hurt, and you don’t know how much longer you can hold on.
But some of you might say you’re in a good place. You wake each morning with a sense of confidence and well-being. You can’t remember when or where it started, but you’ll take it. The sun warms your face, and a stiff breeze carries you from behind.
Like David, you’re king (or queen) of your mountain.
All is well.
And you may be in trouble.
It’s one of those “tug-of-war” points the Lord throws our way.
On one hand, God tells us to “rejoice always” (1 Thessalonians 5:16), “be joyful in hope” (Romans 12:12), and “when times are good, be happy” (Ecclesiastes 7:14). Contrary to popular belief, the words “Christian” and “happiness” can be used in the same sentence. Sure, we’re to think of ourselves with sober judgment (Romans 12:3), but joy is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) – a by-product of following Christ.
Yet, on the other hand, if we stand on our mountaintop breathing in the fresh air of happiness and enjoying the splendor of prosperity, God tells us “If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” (1 Corinthians 10:12)
See what I mean?
So how do you stand? How do you enjoy your mountaintop adventure without looking over your shoulder wondering when it’s going crumble beneath you?
First, ditch your confidence.
Confidence makes for poor memory. Stand in a good place long enough and you’ll start to think you got there all on your own.
When my daughter was a baby, she said four things. “Mama”, “Dada”, “No”, and “I do”.
The “I do” started about the time she began to walk. She’d stand at the fireplace hearth (baby-proofed, of course) on her wobbly legs. She found the longer she stood, the sturdier she got and her confidence grew.
When she was satisfied in her strength, she looked around for the next place to conquer – getting to the back door. One day, in complete confidence, she squealed “I do!” and stepped away from her place of security. One step, two steps, three…crash. Her tender little cheek smacked into the plastic window grille of the door. She still bears a tiny scar as a reminder.
We do the same thing. When life is good, our confidence grows and we squeal “I do” as we look to expand our mountaintop experience.
Soon, we’ve run ahead of the Lord and end up painfully repeating David’s words:
“Then you looked the other way and I fell to pieces.” (Psalm 30:7)
We’re more likely to fall when our confidence is in our own strength.
Second, be vigilant and dependent.
Not your favorite words? Mine either. If I’m on my mountaintop, I’d like to let go, relax, and enjoy the sweet freedom of well-being, but that’s when we tend to forget one thing:
Who put us on the mountain in the first place.
As my daughter was learning to stand, my husband and I spent a lot of time holding her up. As she got stronger, we’d let go, but she was never out of our reach.
When we’re on our mountain, God is never out of our reach. It’s only in our self-sufficiency we forget He’s there, and carry on without HIm. Vigilance will keep us mindful of Him, and dependence will keep us, well, vigilant.
Third, distrust yourself
Don’t hear that too often do you?
The truth is we’ve watched other people come to harm as they’ve fallen off their mountain. This should warn us to be on guard, yet, for many reasons, we think we won’t fall, or we won’t fall as far. We don’t have a healthy enough fear of falling.
Mathew Henry once said, “Distrust of ones self is the Christian’s best security against all sin. If he fears no fall, he won’t guard against it.”
So, enjoy the good place you’re in – it’s an amazing gift. The view is better, and for a time, you’ll feel that much closer to heaven. Just remember whose grace put you there, remain vigilant and dependent upon Him, and don’t trust yourself so much you can’t see your need for a Savior.
This was Beautiful…Thank you…
Great post on the latest edition of The Hope Filled Road! Trusting God is always a great & needed reminder in my life! Good work girlfriends! Blessings, Janet