Praying Friends: When Good Things Get Hard

“Brothers and sisters, pray for us.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:25

When good things get hard, it’s comforting to know you have friends who will come along side you and pray.

They become the lifter of your hands and the strength of your stance. They bare hope in hopeless situations, and care for you when you can hardly care for yourself.

I have some incredible women in my life who pray with, and for me. Their willingness to get down on their knees in the midst of my troubles overwhelms me. I am humbled by the determined words they offer up to heaven on my behalf.

I can only hope to pray for them as fervently as they pray for me.

So I have to ask…

Who’s holding you up?

Who prays for you when your body and words are weak?

Who stands at your side, shouldering your cries, while the battle rages before you?

Who has prayed you through to a victory, or a change?

If you’ve been hesitant to ask others for prayer, let me encourage you, right now, to get yourself some praying friends.

And let’s also seek to be a friend who prays in return.

Exodus 17 tells a story of some amazing men who prayed for a friend through the heat of battle. I wrote about it last year and wanted to share it again with you today. You can read it here.

This week, may you find uncommon strength through the prayers of praying friends.

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