
“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name.”  Hebrews 13:15



Praise You in the morning
Praise You in the evening
Praise you when I’m young and when I’m old,


Praise You when I’m laughing
Praise You when I’m grieving
Praise You every Season of the soul


(Excerpts from, Let Everything That Has Breath,by Matt Redman)





Do You?


Should we?


Does it matter?



If my words have any value to you—YES!


My trip out of the muck and mire of being self-centered last week taught me why.  As I mentioned in last week’s writing, I took my eyes off of the prize.  I veered away from everything that is good and focused on the enemy’s lies.  I stumbled and felt the pain I inflicted upon myself.  A friend helped lift me up.  And another helped me see what was missing.




It felt awkward.  It was muddled.  It was difficult.


But do you know the value of praising God in the circumstances?  I have to tell you, it’s a wonder drug!  Kind of like those cold remedies; they don’t cure the illness they just lessen the severity.


My mentor reminded me that when difficult times hit (and they will), whether for a day, a week, or a season, praising God while going through it all is a discipline that is learned and is required.  These aren’t idle words from pie-in-the-sky women; these are actions from believers throughout the Bible:


Moses—“The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God and I will praise him, my father’s God and I will exalt him.” Ex 15:2


Ezra—“For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods.” 1Chr 16:25


David—“Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!” Ps 147:1


I think you get the point.  The Bible is full of persons who faced obstacles, stumbles, giants, and endless problems yet they purposely praised God in the midst of it all.  And through their words, you can see and feel how God delivered them—not necessarily out of the situation, but into His grace and glory, which in turn gave them comfort.



Praise.  It’s what’s for life.   It’s what works.



I challenge you when you find yourself in a difficult place to think thoughts of God-praise.  To literally utter the words of honor for who He is and for what He has given—that His wisdom is at work even in your trial.  And from there, find anything, anything at all to openly praise Him for.  It may be as simple as the sun rising in the morning or the air you breath, but it is a start.  And one act of praise will beget another and so on and so on.  Fill your day with praises and watch what happens to your problems.


If we could see how much you’re worth
Your power
Your might
Your endless love
Then surely we would never cease to praise you

(Let Everything That Has Breath–Matt Redman)

8 Replies

  1. Lori Perez

    Every week I am so excited to read your blogs. this week is just as big as any. Praise is a wonderful thing that we GET to do each day 24 hours a day if we want. Thank you for writing about this. WE PRAISE YOU GOD for putting these wonderful thoughts into Renae and Raye’s minds.

    1. How very nice of you to write and to offer up prayer for. Thank you Lori!!!

  2. Meredith

    These words are so true and hit so close to home. There are many days that praise is all I have left it seems. When I make praise my priority rather than self-pity, I am so much more malleable by God. Thank you for the reminder to keep praising!

    1. “So much more malleable by God”…Great words and description! I am glad I am not alone in the days when praise is the only thing I can do. Hang in there friend!

  3. Lori West

    I’ve missed these messages the past few weeks. I’ve found myself very busy with Christmas, New Years and work. This was a great reminder for me to continue to praise Him. It keeps me close to Him and feeling connected. Praise in my prayer, and praise in song!

    1. I know, I know–schedules get so hectic but we’re glad you were able to stop by! And you’re right, when we actively praise Him, we stay connected. Lets keep reminding each other of that.

  4. Elaine

    Keep preaching it Renae! What a beautiful proclamation of the power of praise. Thank you.

    1. You have taught me well! Thank you Elaine.

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