You Are More Than
“We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” -Romans 8:37 ESV
Sometimes we are blind to the beauty hidden inside. Our failures, regrets, and should’ve beens get far too much attention and we lose sight that we are a “more than” creation.

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The plant looked pathetic. Weeds and dead limbs poked out among the few sparse leaves that remained. I almost decided to yank it from the ground and replace it with a healthier plant, but honestly, I don’t like to give up so easily on my plants.
So, when I found a tiny lily on my side yard hidden by overgrowth, I wanted to see if I could save it. It looked fairly hopeless, but I was determined. I grabbed my clippers and began to prune the dead leaves and long-spent flower buds. I pulled out clumps of clover and runners of Bermuda grass, too. The more I cut away, the more I was convinced there’d be nothing left.
After I finished, I was surprised to see remnants of its former beauty still stood. Sure, it looked more like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, but life still existed and strength still ran through its remaining stems.
I turned to my husband, who was working with me, and told him I was going to call this plant “More Than”.
“Why?” he asked.
“Because it’s more alive than I thought.” I said.
Then I thought about you.
I thought about you, and me, and every other person out there who thinks they’re more dead than alive.
I thought about those of us who are more thirsty than satisfied, and those more hidden than seen.
If this little plant could hang on to life in the midst of choking weeds and long-dead things, why can’t we?
Maybe today you feel like my little lily. Maybe you’re gasping for light, for nourishment, and for freedom from what has overtaken you. Maybe you know somewhere inside there is a beauty waiting … a beauty you haven’t seen in a long time – or maybe ever.
Dear friend, you’re more alive than you know.
You’re a “more than” creation.
You’re more than your hurts, your fears, your worries, or your struggles.
You’re more than your loneliness or your circumstances.
You’re more than your sin or your story.
For God says we are, “More than conquerors.” (Romans 8:37)
It’s a beautiful thing to hear, don’t you agree?
What? Not really believing it?
I’m with you. There are many times I don’t believe it. Like when I’m frustrated by my outbursts, or hung up on my insecurities. Or when patience, kindness, goodness, and even love seem like fruits high on a tree I can’t reach.
No, most days I don’t see myself as a conqueror.
But God does. And he sees you as one, too.
I think the reason we don’t believe Romans 8:37 is because we tend to stop at the word conquerors when it’s the next word that’s more important.
“Through him that loved us.” (emphasis mine)
We are conquerors through his power, his sacrifice, his pruning, and his love.
Just like my little lily needed me to cut away the things that sapped its strength, we need God to cut away the weeds in our life.
He is our Master Gardener. He doesn’t give up. He wants to save, and is determined to bring forth the beauty hidden inside.
And when his work is done, he stands back and says …
Child, you are my more than creation.
You’re more alive than you know.
You are so much more than all of your nighttime unvoiced fears, more than the sudden tears, the sweeping highs, and rocky lows.
Love this! Thank you!
You’re welcome Stacey!
Thank you … I often feel like that plant as I grow old … tears in my heart as I send my last kid out the door on the first day of school as I ponder my second daughter’s birthday coming up tomorrow with her in heaven. God is good all the time and this sweet reminder brought me back from the brink of useless – to hopeful. You are my treasured friend with your sweet reminders from God.
You are so welcome Diane. I know this time is hard for you. Hang on to fact that God does see you as a more than creation as you live through him. Love you.