The Truth of Who You Are
“God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.” – 1 Corinthians 3:17 NIV
“If I was to meet your closest friend, what words would she use to describe you?”
I recently heard a therapist ask this question. It can be a tough one to answer. What would your closest friend say about you? Right now you may be thinking, I’m not sure what she’d say, but I’ve got a few words I like to carry around in my back pocket:
Lonely …
Worthless …
Selfish …
Bitter …
Unlovable …
But we have to be careful. These are words we hold close within our mind. If we say them, we risk being exposed and judged, or oddly enough, convinced that we’re not these things.
See, our back pocket words have a certain comfort about them. We may hate them and think they’re rotten, but they’re ours. Back pocket words are like your favorite, well-worn blanket. You know they’re not terribly useful, but they’re familiar and known.
And besides, you believe every back pocket word has proven itself true.
A marriage ends and you wonder why, and Unlovable becomes your only companion. A friendship falls apart and Lonely becomes your only friend. And when your children hurt and damage themselves, Worthless gladly ministers to you.
There are times, however, when we’re kinder about who we are. In those moments we choose words we’re willing to let the whole world see. Words like:
Loyal …
Giving …
Adventurous …
Honest …
Funny …
The interesting thing is, we don’t always believe these words. They walk a fine line with humility, and so, we’re reluctant to give in to them the way we do our back pocket words.
Yet, these are the words we want to be known by. They represent the best we have to offer. Our best contributions, our best progress, and our best belief of who we are.
But what if we were known by only one word?
One word, given – not earned, by success or failure. One word, not on a label or hidden in a pocket. One word that could silence all others that dance in our head, and make the best we think we are seem like nothing.
Would you accept it?
One word that could change everything if you would believe in it with all your heart.
Would you throw away every other word for just this one?
It depends?
I get it. It’s scary to let go of our labels – the good ones and the bad. Who would you be without them? What would you be known for?
There’s one word in the Bible that is the most beautiful word I’ve ever heard, and it’s one God calls those who know him …
“God’s temple is sacred, and you are that temple.”
You and I are called sacred.
This one word means more than all the words we could ever call ourselves. It means:
Worthy …
Highly-valued …
Set apart …
Holy …
Untouchable …
God gave us this beautiful word to live, love, and be known by.
God is in us. We are his temple, and his temple is called sacred.
One word.
Will you trade it for all other words you’ve ever placed upon yourself?
Let’s empty our pockets.
God is calling for his sacred souls, will you answer by that name?
Wow that is really hard to even think that we r Sacred to Him especially when we do things that don’t make u feel Sacred. It is hard though to let alot of those back pocket words go.