Leave a Space for Me

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” – Psalm 16:11 ESV

photo: Raye Wortel

photo: Raye Wortel

Windows are open and warm breezes usher in the sweet smell of all things fresh and alive.


It’s hard to believe winter officially arrived just five weeks ago.


Even so, life is bursting forth around here. Beasts and blooms defy any sense as they show a child-like impatience for the confines of winter’s chill, and it’s call to rest.


There’s an urgent mood afloat for newness and life to begin again.


And in the midst of this excellent day, I find myself quite tempted…


To clean.


Now, I know what some of you would say. I hear your hand as you smack your forehead in amazement of my absolute, careless choice.


I have no defense.


Today, I’m motivated to push a vacuum and move some furniture – who knew?


So, I set off to rearrange a spare room which doubles as my writing space. I find nothing invigorates the mind and the senses more than a change of perspective, so I shift my desk to a different wall, move this, and turn that.


And as I push and place my things, I sensed His still, small voice reminding me…


Leave a space for me.


I pause and think on this request. I know it’s not a casual appeal or a simple plea to make up a spare bed for an overnight stay.


No. This is a request to carve out and preserve a sacred stretch of territory just for Him and me.


A place where He’ll comfort, reassure, and inspire me with promises and Truth.


A home within this room where hope stands guard when I’m weary and consumed, and in need of a holy boost.


Leave a space for me.


It’s His desire, and what we were created for, yet it seems so hard and at times, dare I say, inconvenient to leave this space for Him.


If we’d only remember how it feels when we take the time to sit at His feet.


The world gets small and heaven grows large, and we believe and love all He is, and what He says.


“Leave a space for me.” isn’t a demanding bid to rob us of time or energy which was spent long ago.


It’s an offer to be filled, once again, with newness and life – much like the call of spring.


How do you leave a space for God in your day?


**I have two special gifts for you today!


photo: Raye Wortel

photo: Raye Wortel

Click here to download and print out a Fullness of Joy Tent Card. There’s one for you, and one for a friend.


And click here to get a Bible Reading Guide Bookmark to help you as you leave space for Him each day.



4 Replies

  1. Pam

    Beautifully put, Raye. I love the sense of peace and of power I receive when I take the time to get away from it all and fix my eyes on Him!

    1. It is a wonderful gift to sense His power and peace. May it carry you onward Pam!

  2. Diane Petersen

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder this morning and the wonderful gift of the card and bookmark. What a way to keep it coming home. I will set aside a special date with Jesus to bring home this message. We all could use the reminder to bid Him come! I love the refreshing power that allows me to take on my day once I have spent time alone with my friend, Jesus!

    1. So true, Diane. There is refreshing power in choosing Him throughout our days. And thank you for commenting – very sweet of you to stop by.

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