Inspire: Your Title

“…his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20 NIV


Because of my faith, I literally have been called…

…a prude

…holier than thou

…out of touch

…a stick-in-the-mud

…a buzz-kill

…halo wearer

…a holy roller

…one of those people



(and those are the polite ones!)

But the most important title I’ve ever been given…


HE, calls me child!

When the world sees you as different, because of your faith, rejoice says the Lord!

Consider it an honor.

Consider it an accomplishment.

Consider it good.

When we look to others to give us our value, we miss the value God has given to us. Being a child of God is so much more than a word; it’s a worth.

Don’t worry about the titles others give you, rejoice in the one He gives…


Study references:(click on each to be connected directly to bible verses) John 15:19-21, Luke 15:20-24, Psalm 16:8, Psalm 27:5-6, 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

2 Replies

  1. Lori Perez

    AMEN thank you Renae

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