Inspire: Incomparable Love!
“And I pray that you…grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ” Ephesians 3:17-18
In our language, in our culture, love is thrown around quite a bit.
I can tell you these truths for me–
I love popcorn and pizza.
I love a soft blanket.
I love my family.
I love dogs.
I love a great discount.
The list goes on.
Our language doesn’t separate out the levels and types of love.
But God’s does.
Even though the Greek language has four different types of love (Phileo, Eros, Storge, and Agape) only one is used in the terms of God and his connection with us…
It is the grandest and noblest forms of the definition of love.
He doesn’t mix up the rest…
He doesn’t compare us to the love of a great meal.
He doesn’t compare us to the love of fine fabrics.
He doesn’t compare us to the love of a marriage.
He doesn’t compare us to the love of a hampster.
He compares us to the love with Himself—Agape.
God’s love is a consuming passion. There is no end to His love for us.
Even when we stray, He still loves.
Even when we reject, He still loves.
Even when we return, He still loves.
If you are seeking for that unconditional, unwavering, unmatched love look not in another person, in another “thing”, or in another way—it will never measure up. Look only to the God who created love. His is there for the taking. His is the highest, His is the greatest, His is Agape!
Study References: Ephesians 3:17-19, John 4:16, Galatians 5:22, Romans 5:5, John 15:9-13
Amen. Beautifully said.
Thank you Lori!