I See You…

The Lord looks from heaven; he sees all the sons of men. – Psalm 33:13 NKJV

photo: Kelly Wortel

photo: Kelly Wortel

This is me. Every glaring fault, and every moment when I embrace the idea that I’m really God’s child. They may be your’s too. When I feel naked and exposed before Him, I cry at the ugliness still raging inside me. But God sees past the wretchedness. He’s done a mighty deed I forget too often. This is His reminder to me of what He sees – the hard and the glorious.


I see you…on your knees in your lonely hours begging to feel loved.

I see you…with tear-stained cheeks, and slumped shoulders as you struggle to carry your burdens alone.

I see you…as you lie awake in the dark watches of the night with worry on your heart.

I see you…when fear shakes you to your core.

I see you…wince in pain as your worn out frame defies you.

I see you…stand in defiance at My door of Grace.

I see you…pretend.

I see you…when jealousy consumes your every thought.

I see you…when pride becomes your crown.

I see you…when you fight for control.

I see you…wrestle for significance.

I. See. You.

I see you…selfless in your work.

I see you…when you lift your head to Heaven.

I see you…when joy fills you to overflowing.

I see you…when you laugh wild and free.

I see you…as you pause to drink in my Creation.

I see you…love beyond reason.

I see you…when you dance among raindrops.

I see you…dream daring dreams.

I see you…soar on the strength of My wings.

I see you…pray with a heart abandoned.

I see you…when you raise your hands in holy praise.

I see you…hope when hope seems lost.

All that you are, and do, and think are never hidden from Me. For I have created all things, and by My will they were created and have their being. (Rev. 4:11) But child, you mistaken my attention. Where you feel shame, guilt, and emptiness – I see something else. Where you hear judgement, condemnation, and anger – I see something more. And where you taste bitterness – I see a Higher Way. I see you child. Will you dare see yourself the way I do?

photo: Raye Wortel

photo: Raye Wortel

I see you…saved for My name’s sake, so My mighty power may be known. (Psalm 106:8)

I see you…set free by the knowledge of My Truth. (John 8:32)

I see you…sanctified by your faith in Me. (Acts 26:18)

I see you…holy for I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart to be my own. (Leviticus 20:26)

I see you…pure as you wait for Me in hope, for you shall be like Me, and see Me as I am. (1 John 3:2-3)

I see you…created with purpose. I have fashioned you beloved, giving you the Spirit as a deposit and guarantee until I call you home. (2 Corinthians 5:4-6)

I see you…justified as you believe in who I am in your heart, and profess who I am with your mouth. (Romans 10:10)

I see you…forgiven when My blood was poured out for many. (Matthew 26:28)

I see you…redeemed as I have swept away your sins like the morning mist. Return to Me. (Isaiah 44:22)

The Lord sees us in a holy light. It’s dim down here, and too easily we forget that fact in the muck and mire of earthly living. Read His Word, believe His promises, and as you begin to see yourself through the lens He sees you through, may you grow stronger – abounding deeper in His love.

What are your thoughts of today’s post? What other ways does God see you? Let’s chat – I’ve got some time.

6 Replies

  1. I like this ideas of God seeing us, Raye. It gives me hope that God sees me as I am and as I will be. He sees us whole! So glad for that.

    1. I’m glad God sees us whole too – the struggles, the intentions, and the successes. It makes me appreciate His grace all the more. Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by Dave, I truly appreciate it!

  2. A Great reminder of God’s mercy and grace. To easy to dwell on the evil we see in us rather than God’s view of a washed and clean child ready to be molded into His creation.

    1. It is so hard to see ourselves how God sees us. We allow ourselves to be swallowed whole by what society views as significance, and it’s only when we are so dry and weary we remember the promises of our Father’s word. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts today Suzi. I’m looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks.

  3. Diane

    Powerful truth to be dined on readily. I shall print this up and put it in my bible for those days that I awaken filled with the condemation of the evil one. Oh I love how God uses you to remind us all of His endearing love for us. Thank you Raye for once again taking us to the place in worship and peace with our Lord!

    1. Thank you Diane, your words mean so much! I thought of you often as I wrote this, hoping a word here and there would reach you. The more time we spend chatting about our Father, the more fearless I feel in sharing who He is to me. Thank you, friend.

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