An Empty Heart and an Open Door

“My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.” Psalm 108:1  ABPE

Photo: Renae Bowman

Photo: Renae Bowman

I hosted my entire family this past Christmas Eve.

It was my year. It was my turn. I wanted to do it up grand.

But where do you seat 40 people, together, when you don’t own a mansion? Yes, 40!

My only solution…I gutted my living room. Every piece of furniture, every rug, every accent piece—gone. Banished to the garage. The room became a hollow shell overnight only to be filled back up with what was actually needed.

We had a blast. Everyone enjoyed themselves. No mansion needed, just a place called home.

There was a moment though, in the middle of the craziness and noise and happiness, when I heard the familiar Christmas Carol, Joy to the World, playing in the background. The words danced out to my ears…and into my heart.

Joy to the world! The Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing.

The song became very real to me as I worked hard to ready my home for my guests. But it also it became so much more than a Christmas Carol. Its’ words and its’ meaning have become something to hold on to every day.

Our hearts are His resting place.
Our hearts are where He does His work.
Our hearts need to be readied in order for Him to come.

The Psalmist was ready. David knew what was asked of him. He did his part:

“My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready.” Psalm 108:1 

The words are dripping with the emptying out of David’s heart. A time when all the past, all the hurts, all the constraints that took up the space he held onto, was pushed aside. David knew he had to empty the room first in order to fill it up with the best.

What about you? Are you ready my friend? Is today the day you can push aside that which keeps you from knowing Jesus? Is today the day that you can push aside all which holds you back from knowing Him deeper and truer?

It’s about emptying ourselves right here, right now, and continually. It’s about preparing a place where love and grace dwells over everything else. It’s about opening the doors of our stubborn hearts and saying to Him, come in. Come in and stay!

It’s about having an empty heart and an open door.

My heart is ready, my heart is ready...

Oh dear one, if you’re filled with a heaviness and are overwhelmed, perhaps it’s time to empty yourself. Perhaps it’s time to push aside the hurts, the pains, and all that weighs you down and closes you off from life itself–and open your heart’s door for the Lord. I can tell you without fail, for when you do, the emptiness becomes filled with wholeness.

Prepare your heart.

Give Him room.

Receive your King.

…Joy to the World!

7 Replies

  1. Love this, Raye! Sometimes it’s so hard to set aside those things that weigh us down and make our hearts heavy…but oh the peace that comes when we finally do! Well done, my friend!❤

    1. Hi Carissa, this is Renae. I’m glad you found the words to be a help of a reminder for you. Yes, when we set the heavy things aside, we have so much more room for Jesus to come in and do His best work through us. Thank you for stopping by and giving your feedback…it means the world to us to hear from our readers. Blessings to you!

      1. Finding this post. It’s just a big piece of luck for me.

      2. Andrea Davis – That’s what I’m talking about, my niece is sooooo cute she won over the photographer!:) I loved every picture! She can’t take a bad photo. She is just too gorgeous!Very Proud Auntie,Andrea

    2. Cool! That’s a clever way of looking at it!

  2. Lori Perez

    That was really awesome to read. But sometimes I wonder what exactly it is that keeps me from Him on those days that I don’t feel so close to Him. It’s almost scary to think what it might be.

    1. Thank you Lori. For me, it’s a continual emptying of my heart to see His ways. From there, He takes the helm and leads me where He wants me. Don’t be scared…just stay close.

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