A Gift and A Prayer

“The Lord will stay with you as long as you stay with him! Whenever you look for him, you will find him.” 2 Chronicles 15:2 TLB

Photo: Renae Bowman

Photo: Renae Bowman

On this Independence Day, may we be reminded of words that should be a staple of all of our prayer times–

May I never take it for granted…For the freedom and ability I have in this country to speak openly of Jesus Christ. May I always see it as a gift…may I always be grateful.

It’s big!
It’s something others sadly don’t have.
It’s something others seek.
It surely is a gift not to be squandered.

Amongst all the fun and revelry this day brings, may we remember to reflect on the gift God has given us—the gift of our great nation where we are free to speak His name and worship Him openly. May we never lose sight of this and always remember how precious and important it is.

From Raye and I–Happy Independence Day everyone!    May God continually and richly bless you and bless this country!

2 Replies

  1. Lori perez

    Happy 4th to the 2 of you. I myself am so glad that I can tell someone God Bless you and feel good knowing that I can do it freely. We do live in a great country. God Bless the U.S.A.

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